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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jewellery and most expensive parts of the world.

If I want to make things simple. Higher-value yielded instant to see How to use jewelry as a way to help is probably the easiest and most effective I in.. Because jewelry is valuable and expensive in itself. Helping to create the luxurious Possession of articles likely to be a very decorative. It also became the talk of the town with in. This can be seen from the coverage the most expensive product in the world. Most are made from precious metals and decorated with gems Degongnegn. When the most expensive in the world. Number of pieces would have with less expensive as in.. Is considered as the best part really. We have collected samples of the most expensive parts of the world. From creative designers use to make jewelry pieces that anyone normal. Can own. Into pieces with only a small piece of the world's only


Gucci belt, the most expensive in the world.
Designing work of Stuart Hughes British business owners and designers. Has managed to reshape the brand Gucci belt, this new line. Using a 250 mm platinum and diamond micro gram total weight of 30 carats side down on the G logo buckle Into a belt, Gucci luxury this version. Which is produced by the order of a customer. And distributors, that is, Republica is made to order there are only two lines per line Snnrnrcr only 155,995 pounds.



iPod most expensive diamond in the world.
IPod playback device is made of gold decorated with diamonds of 430 tablets is the work of Thomas Heyerdahl, Norway, where people can take to auction for charity in London. Auction set to start at 31,000 euros, the highest price was not disclosed by the auction. But the iPod is certainly made up only one in the world. And now it has been owned by



The most expensive Nokia mobile phone in the world.
Nokia Supreme granted the title of most expensive Nokia mobile phone in the world. The machine is made of 83 g platinum diamond pink tablet 1225 tablet more direct central controls direction, 3 ct Snnrnrcr 5.6 million Baht


Kitty the most expensive in the world.
The Hello Kitty this (picture left) as Kitty Miao most expensive in the world. Made from white gold to celebrate the anniversary of 30 years in the kitty, with the launch of the first department store Mitsukoshi in Japan as well. The doll height 41 mm Weight 75 g robe decorated with 205 diamonds and decorated with beads and the total weight of 4.1 carats holding baton adorned with pink diamond 0.753 carat weight Snnrnrcr 10 Eganein!

Kitty Miao, but then this platinum got ousted champion with Younger Kitty newest (Figure right), produced for the celebration of Christmas in 2006, the department store Mitsukoshi same kitty latest release of this knot that is decorated with ruby Ee left software, Fire, and diamonds are. Height 56 mm Weight 590 g Price: 18.9 million yen



The most expensive wedding cake in the world.
Value of 20 million U.S. dollars. Gems and jewelry are beautifully decorated on a grand wedding cake, this one. The craft's designer, Jewelry Gallery, a chain, "the show is held in the Prestige Collection bridal district on Beverly Hills, California, U.S.



The most expensive dessert in the world.
"Frozen Haute Chocolate" from Serendipity 3 restaurant in New York the price of U.S. $ 25,000 each to bowl created by Stephen Bruce, owner in cooperation with Diamond luxury stores. U Four New York Area. Cup sweet cocoa is made from 28 half-breed who is breeding the rare and expensive in the world. Top sprinkle with gold edible 23 carat amount of 2 ounces and chocolate La Madeline au Truffle from stores Knipschildt Chocolatier, which normally retail price of pounds per 88,440 U.S. route Rit function in the cup with gold 18 carats decorate a flower wrapped around the base cup. Below is decorated with 18K gold bracelet and a white diamond carat
In addition, the use spoon to eat a tablespoon scoop gold. Adorned with white diamonds. And the color of chocolate. After the cruise, then Im Nam. This can all take home a souvenir with.


The most expensive cocktail in the world.
"Flawless" is the name of the cocktail glass is priced £ 3.5000 ingredient contains alcohol content Ye J "Louis 12-Louis XII" Lord Louis age 12, and Champagne "Crystal Rose-Crystal Rose" which are expensive glitter Outside is brown sugar. Herbal check list Peera a little bitter. Plate covered with edible gold leaf type a bit more.
But the cause of The cost is over the bottom of the beaker containing the crystal. Because when picking out drinking. Will find Diamond weight 11 carat white glitter that is provided as a gift.


Drinking the most expensive in the world.
Bling h2o drinking water is recognized as the most expensive in the world. Which has no special right of water resources as drinking water, more expensive bottles. But it was a special bottle decorated with Swarovski Swarovski. Cork and genuine. With a slogan that "You hold water bottles, and then express yourself as" the bottle is made of a special type of sand. And the owner of the idea of drinking water is most expensive, it is up to writers at the Emmy Awards show is one person that you are the 4280 U.S. for the amount of water in 750 ml bottles.

This is a part of bringing the gems. Decoration on the pieces to create value and hilarity to the society. And of course continue to evolve designs and produces parts that create a lot of interest comes in. surely many more.



Information and illustrations Thaidirr, @ Cloud, whatphone, Mahacode, FukDuk.


Anonymous said...

Ces éléments de design de mode sont grands, je préfère être une femme avec une jupe à porter sens de la mode des vêtements, si vous êtes comme moi qui aiment la mode, vous pouvez vous concentrer
Les Robes

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